Friday, September 18, 2015

How do I learn to avoid the complications of diabetes?

How do I learn to avoid the complications of diabetes?

You've probably heard the saying that diabetes is not dangerous by itself, but its complications are. What distinguishes a person with diabetes from healthy one? Why complications develop and can we avoid them? Let us remember what is diabetes? Diabetes - chronically elevated blood sugar. This is the only difference in terms of a healthy person and a patient with diabetes.
By following the tips below, you can live a full active life and avoid the complications

1. Plan your "carbohydrate" menu  

If you have diabetes - that does not mean you have to completely abandon the carbohydrates. You just need to give preference to products that contain carbohydrates that are slowly digested. Products containing whole grains, legumes, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables - this is what you need!

2. Lose weight if you are overweight

Even if you lose couple of kilos, it will improve the body's ability to use insulin. Reduction of body weight will help regulate blood pressure, will help to reduce cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

3. Get enough sleep

The fact that you are sleeping too little or too much may increase appetite and craving for foods high in carbohydrates. This can lead to excess weight gain and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Healthy recommended sleeping duration last for 7-8 hours a day.

4. Be physically active

Walking, dancing, cycling and even walking in place while you're talking on the phone, help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, reduce cholesterol and keep weight and blood pressure are normal. Performphysical activity at least half an hour a day - it will help you relieve stress and may even reduce the number of medications taken for diabetes.

5. Check daily blood sugar

This check will help you avoid complications. In addition, you'll see how different products and physical activity are affecting you sugar levels.

6. Control your stress

In diabetes, stress can induce an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. Avoid stressful situations and discover relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises, yoga and meditation can be especially effective in diabetes.

7. Say "no" to salt!

Reducing salt intake can help lower blood pressure and protect the kidneys. Sometimes it is not enough just to decrease salt in food, because a lot of salt is contained in the baked meat. Try, if possible, to prepare their own meal. Try to partially replace salt and spices.

8. Heart disease and diabetes

The cause of the serious complications of diabetes can be a cardiovascular disease. To prevent such complications you should:
·         Determine average blood sugar levels every 2-3 months
·         To keep blood pressure at 130/80 on average
·         Maintainblood cholesterol at 100 mg / dl, HDL - above 40 mg / dl and triglyceride - less than 150 mg / dl.

9. Watch out for trauma and bruises

Diabetes increases the risk of infection and slows healing of wounds, so you should take seriously the cuts and scratches. In case of injury, you must respond immediately: clean the wound and treat with antibacterial bandage. Consult your doctor if the wound doesn’t heal in few days. Regularly check the feet for cuts, blisters, redness or swelling.

10. Do not smoke

Smokers with diabetes are twice as likely to die prematurely. Quitting smoking will positively affect the lungs, heart and lowers blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, and nerve damage and kidney disease.

11. Pick the right diet

Carefully study the labels on the products. Avoid consumption of saturated fats and trans fats. Instead, give preference to products containing mono- and polyunsaturated fats like olive oil. It is useful to have as a fish in it contain omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. Eat more vegetables, fruits and salads with leafy greens.
      Statistics show that a person with diabetes, but with controlled levels of glucose and taking regularly vitamins, is much less likely to suffer from severe complications of diabetes. Each component of the vitamin complex provides the patient's body protection from deterioration and severity of the disease.

12. Visit a doctor

Be sure to go to the doctor 2-4 times a year. If you are taking insulin, you may need to visit the doctor more often. Once a year, go through a full examination of the body, in particular, examination of condition of the eyes, kidneys and nerves. Visit a dentist twice a year.


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