Friday, September 4, 2015

Diabetes and depression : How to cope with negative emotional experiences ?

Diabetes and depression

In patients with diabetes always develop some emotional/mental disorders. Especially depressive disorders often seen in older people with type 2 diabetes. Intensity depends on their personal qualities, activity in life, performance. The presence of concomitant diabetes depression interferes with the adaptation of the patient, has a negative impact on the course of the underlying disease, and impairs the performance of medical treatment, including those related to diet, receiving glucose-lowering drugs, of self-control blood sugar levels. The very fact that the diagnosis of diabetes, a disease state, the need for medication and lifestyle changes - all this leads to mental asthenia many patients, decreased quality of life.

How to cope with negative emotional experiences?

Many are advised to make lifestyle changes - to refuse to work overtime, irregular working hours, to try to normalize sleep and wakefulness, alternate periods of work with recreation.
The positive effect of providing an increase in physical activity: walking, some workout in the gym, fitness, swimming, soccer, basketball, tennis. Physical work results in production of endorphin's lead to improved mood.
The food should be varied and full of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Caffeine should be limited, sugary and fatty foods also, plus no alcohol intake, which is depressing. Recommended food are those which are rich in protein. It is necessary to reduce stress by following methods: relaxation, meditation, massage, heat treatments, nature walks and a day in the sun.
Traditionally, the preventive and therapeutic use of vitamins, amino acids and minerals is very helpful. In the human body, these substances induce the synthesis of mediators – which are main carriers of signals in nerve cells. The deficiency of these mediators is associated with mental health disorders. Of particular importance is a hidden deficiency of vitamin B group, antioxidants (vitamins C and E), abnormal levels of magnesium and iron.

Importance of Vitamin B group in mental health in diabetes

The neurotransmitter serotonin is often called "the hormone of happiness" for its formation requires vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Average concentration of serotonin in the brain causes a good mood, the burst of energy.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)is required for synthesis of the neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. Its deficiency is manifested by insomnia, depressed mood, memory and intelligence. Niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency is associated with anxiety and fear, anxiety, sadness and depression.

Depressive disorders are common mental disorders are found in patients with diabetes. Depression impede the achievement and maintenance of long-term compensation of diabetes and worsen its prognosis. Despite the fact that the disorder’s depressive nature often necessary to the appointment of special medications, lifestyle changes, vitamin-mineral complexes can bring undeniable benefits, contributing to more effective treatment of diabetes, improve the physical, emotional state, as well as improve the quality of life of patients with diabetes. It is important not to forget that if the suspicions about a possible depression, you must consult a doctor to confirm or refute them.


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