Monday, August 24, 2015

How Does Diabetes Affect the daily life?

How Does Diabetes Affect the daily life?

Diabetes - is not just a disease, it's a lifestyle! Diabetics can significantly improve the course of disease in compliance with a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, rational exercise and smoking cessation. These events are extremely useful and can greatly reduce the need for drug therapy.

The keys are:

·        Calories chosen in diet should help to achieve the ideal weight (low calorie diet).
·        Limit consumption of alcoholic beverages, as they are a source of extra calories (especially in people who are overweight), and may provoke hypoglycemic state (lead to excessive reduction in blood glucose levels).
·        Meals should be regular (every day at a certain time).
·        The composition of the food must be balanced (intake of fat and carbohydrate: sugar, jam, honey, chocolate, sweets, cakes must be minimize).
·        The diet enriched in fiber: fresh fruits and vegetables (daily ≥400 grams daily, except for melons, pears, grapes, bananas and dried fruit).
·        The use of special diabetic products in the diabetes compensation is optional.
Since food gives us the nutrients needed to support life, health and performance, it is a key element in the treatment of diabetes.
Exercise is very important to maintain proper blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Regular physical activity is a very effective method of treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Exercises improves:

·        physical and mental health; Normalizes metabolism and blood pressure;
·        promotes weight loss;
·        trains the cardiovascular system;
·        Improves lipid profile (cholesterol and others.);
·        lowers blood sugar levels;
·        It increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin.
Before you start regular physical activity, you need to have medical examination. Careful examination and health assessment to help develop for you the ideal exercise program.
Useful tips:
·       Before each exercise is necessary to measure blood sugar levels.
·       Always carry identification medical certificate (for example, a diabetic patient card, a special medallion or bracelet);
·       Always start with slow exercises; not trying to do too much exercise at a rapid pace, even if you feel that you are capable of it; increase the load slowly, so far as the physical preparation;
·       Record progress: write down your achievements in a journal.
·       Begin to exercise 1-2 hours after a meal to balance food intake and physical activity;
·       Try to exercise every day at the same time.
·       Always carry products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, such as sugar, juice, candy.
·       Wear comfortable socks made ​​of natural fibers (e.g. cotton) and choose right size of shoes.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of death. It is proved that smoking greatly exacerbates the severity of diabetes. It increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks in smokers.


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