Monday, August 24, 2015

How diabetes does affects brain and vision?

How diabetes does affects brain and vision?

Effects of high blood glucose on brain
Some symptoms of the impact of diabetes on the brain do not appear immediately, especially if they are associated with high blood sugar.
In diabetes, after some time, you have an increased risk of damage to blood vessels, including tiny blood vessels of the brain. These lesions destroy the white matter of the brain
White matter is an essential part of the brain, by means of which the interaction of nerve fibers. When the nerve endings of the brain are damaged, you can get various changes in thinking, for example, vascular cognitive impairment or vascular dementia.
If you control your diabetes well, you simply avoid the development of hypoglycemia - low blood sugar levels. But it should be remembered that the low level of sugar in the blood carries much more serious and obvious implications for the brain than elevated blood sugar.
Patients with type 2 diabetes are more prone to the development of various vascular complications of the brain, as they tend to be have poor metabolism, low levels of good cholesterol (HDL, HDL), high triglycerides and high blood pressure, and they are likely to suffer from overweight or obese
Hypoglycemia, even light, is usually very difficultly tolerated by patients in unlike when they have high sugar. Low blood glucose worsens mood and complicated thought processes of the brain. You can have a headache, dizziness, impaired coordination, can be difficult to walk or speak. Very low blood sugar can cause seizures or convulsions, cause fainting or lead to a hypoglycemic coma.Repeated episodes of hypoglycemia can cause serious problems.
So far, scientists have not yet made ​​final conclusions if repeated episodes of hypoglycemia have long-term affects on memory or the risk of developing dementia. One large study showed that low levels of blood sugar does not have long-term effects on memory or the ability to think in patients with type 1 diabetes. However, another study showed that there is a correlation between the occurrence of episodes of severe hypoglycemia, and increased risk of dementia in older people with type 2 diabetes.
The bottom line is that careful control of diabetes is extremely important. The low level of glucose in the blood will not lead you to dementia, but you will feel bad. High levels of blood glucose, on the contrary, not much degrade your health but can cause problems with dementia.
Effects of high blood glucose on vision
One of the most common diseases which effects the eyes is diabetes, this condition is called diabetic retinopathy and it is one of the complications of diabetes, which resulted in the dysfunctions of blood circulation and metabolism, and the person may even lose vision. Therefore, at diagnosis of diabetes doctors’advice urgently to address not only to the endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist.

The pathological process cause by high glucose affects the retina, which disrupts its normal blood circulation. This organ, as if trying to help itself, launches a compensatory mechanism, an active growth of new vessels for retina. But they are so thin and brittle that they themselves become the cause of bleeding inside the eye. So there is a vicious circle that leads to the development of secondary glaucoma and retinal detachment.

The main treatment in such cases is laser coagulation, it often allows to preserve vision or cause blindness. An endocrinologist who first identified diabetes in person, knowing about such consequences, shall immediately send the patient to an ophthalmologist for examination.

In any stages of a diabetic retinopathy if you control your sugar, your eye will preserved for long time. At the same, to achieve this goal, the person need to change lifestyle, diet and habits. Prohibit smoking, alcohol, sweet. It is necessary to follow a diet, taking hypoglycemic agents, not to worry, and regularly observed by doctors.


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