Saturday, September 5, 2015

Diabetes diet : should I avoid sweet fruits?

Diabetes diet : should I avoid sweet fruits?

Fruits and berries in the nature of a great many. However, often people with diabetes learn about their disease, they begin to be limited solely to green sour apples. Many people believe that they have less sugar, which means that they can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and then are surprised that the blood sugar "unjustifiably" increases.
Some limit themselves in watermelons, melons, oranges, assuming that they are too sweet, but quietly drinking a lot of apple juice. Someone thinks that the grapes are very good for health, and, as are berry, it does not increase the sugar.
Let's dispel doubts and myths, and finally understand what fruits and how much you can eat in diabetes mellitus type 2.
I must say that in type 1 diabetes, limiting the sweet fruits not the main thing - to prick enough insulin or short-acting in accordance with the need and the amount eaten bread units.

The basic rule

In a day, you can use a limited number of fruits:
2 large fruit (apple, pear, peach, orange, etc.)


3 medium-sized fruit (mandarin, kiwi, apricots, small apples, etc.)


4-5 small fruits (plums, plums, apricots and small, etc.)

10-13 medium-large berries (cherries, strawberries, etc.)


A handful of small berries (currants, blueberries, cranberries, etc.)


300-400 g pulp watermelon or cantaloupe (2-3 pieces, depending on size)

It is possible to combine, for example: 1 medium-large and two medium-sized fruit, 1 large fruit and berries 5 large, 2 medium-sized fruit and ½ a handful of small berries, and so on for your choice.
It is better to eat fruit snack in between meals. The last intake of fruits should be at least up to 4-5 pm, as then they will greatly increase the level of sugar in the blood. So, if eaten after 10 pm, tangerine can raise blood sugar in the morning.

Forbidden Fruit

In addition to the variety of fruit, which are used in diabetes, there are very sweet fruits that contain large amounts of simple sugars and are contraindicated in type 2 diabetes.

These include:




If you are very fond of these fruits, eat, but a little - half. That will be quite enough to appreciate the taste and does not cause damage by increasing blood sugar.

Dried fruits

As for the dried fruits, one must understand here importantly that dried fruits are devoid of moisture, and consequently all the amount of sugar is quite concentrated in them.
Due to the small size and the pleasant taste of dried fruits, eat only limited number. So here we must be careful not to eat more than 2-3 pieces of dried fruit a day.
Dried fruits that can be eaten in the type 2 diabetes:
Dried apricots (dried apricots)


Dried apples

The dried pear (without the use of sugar syrup)

Dried pineapple, papaya (without the use of sugar syrup)

Dried fruit, which shouldn’t be eaten in the type 2 diabetes:



Dried bananas


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