Monday, August 24, 2015

Skin conditions and care for people with Diabetes

Skin conditions and care for people with Diabetes

Why do people with diabetes often have problems with the skin?

Many experts believe that the problems with the skin in patients with diabetes arise primarilybecause of thedeterioration of the microcirculation in the tissues (microangiopathy), because the lumen of the capillaries narrowed.Normally a good microcirculation provides nourishment and protection of the skin - oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the cells freely.In people with diabetes, capillary lumen narrows, or they even completely clogged.
Remember that even a small scratch or small wound, left unattended, can lead to non-healing ulcers.

Why diabetic foot need special attention?

In the first place- because of poor blood supply to the tissues.Poor circulation in small vessels of lower limbs leads to a reduction of local immunity of the skin and the development of bacterial and fungal infections. The situation is exacerbated by loss of sensation (neuropathy) in the legs.The protective mechanism - a reaction to the pain - "turned off"due to the loss of sensitivity.That is why the skin lesions often remain undetected, they are infected, and when they are finally found as inflamed tissue, only a pharmacological treatment for a long time.
Diabetic foot syndrome- is the result of the systemic changes associated with elevated levels of blood sugar that forms a classic triad: polyneuropathy combined with vascular changes and changes to the immune system.

What precautions should be taken for people with diabetes to reduce the risk of developing complications of the skin?

Quality and hygiene inspection of the feet.Everyday.
First of all, use a preventive anti-bacterial agents for the washing of the feet.Pay attention to the soap and shower gels which should not contain harsh cleaning agents.
If there is a long standing inflammation on feet, it requires a very fast and effective treatment with drugs, which must appointed by a doctor.

How to prevent fungal infections feet?

After washing feet, always use prophylactic antifungal cream.If you have found a fungal infection, the doctor should prescribe antifungalagent (cream or tablets), depending on the severity of the case.
Be careful with pedicure cuticle, it can trigger the development of fungal infections. Also insists the beauticianthat they use disposable instruments for the procedure.
Even a good glycemic control is not very good at helping to restore the skin's immunity to bacteria and fungi.Therefore, preventive measures are compulsory.

What creams and lotions should be used for the care of diabetic skin?

It is necessary that any product does not contain alcohol, salicylic acid, preservatives and colorants.
Lotions and creams should not clog pores and leave a film on the skin, so products containing glycerin should be avoided. To be completely, it is better to choose lotions specifically designed for skin care in diabetes.
Qualitative daily hygiene - is the foundation of the health of your skin.If you notice inflammation or notice that the wounds on the skin does not heal within a few weeks, see a doctor immediately!

Which kind of socks are better to wear to avoid skin problems of feet?

Do not wear socks made from pure nylon or Dacron and wool socks.Socks of synthetic and wool nature can cause skin irritation, increased sweating of the feet, which leads to cracking and infections.It is better to wear socks made of cotton and mixed fibers and change them immediately.

What else diabetics should know?

All diabetics need to carefully protect themselves from exposure to the sun.Always wear a hat to protect from the sun in summer and to use creams with sunscreen even on cloudy days.For daily use it is recommended to choose a cream with a protection factor of 15 to 30.


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