Saturday, August 15, 2015

Life style with Diabetes

Life style with Diabetes

The correct way of life for people with diabetes is one of the key moments of the full interaction with the outside world. By adhering to certain rules, you can greatly improve the quality of life. 
The main task of the person with diabetes - the desire to compensate for the disease through the use of a number of methods. An important role in this process and the rules assigned to diet, physical stress, work, recreation, and so on. N.

Diet with diabetes Mellitus

Diet regime - one of the basic principles and general diet for people with diabetes. Certain diet regime is crucial to the success of therapeutic interventions. In diabetes as 1 and type 2 is recommended to adhere to a small meals (at least 3-5 times a day), with a break between meals should not be beyond the 3-5 hours.
With regard to diet for people with type 1 diabetes, usually there is no limitation in caloric intake. The exception is obese patient. But as type 1 diabetes usually affects children and young ones, they should be in well fed.
Here the numbers of calories or type of product use as diet are not emphasized because your doctor will adjust you insulin dose according you type and amount of food you eat.
For all people with diabetes, it is important:
  • To not skip meals,
  • Monitor their weight,
  • Limit salt intake to maintain normal levels of blood pressure,
  • Daily drink at least 1.5 liters of water,
  • cease / aggressively limit intake of alcoholic beverages,
  • perform regular physical exercises,
  • Conscious approach to product selection, consider the amount of food eaten.

The general principle of physical activity

To maintain normal blood glucose levels and prevent cardiovascular disease for people with diabetes, it is very important to regularly perform light exercise. Physical activity is major component of the complex therapy of diabetes.

Regular physical activity increases the tissue sensitivity to insulin, thereby enhancing its action and the action anti diabetic drugs.
For people with type 2 diabetes, physical activity, along with proper nutrition plays a major role in the treatment. The need for physical exercise is limited by their intensity. Regularity, duration and type of training should be individually discussed with your doctor. Only in this case, you can count on the maximum benefit from exercise without damaging health.
Also, monitoring of blood glucose levels before and after the exercise program are very important. Too high glucose (above 200 mg /dl) are contraindications for any physical activity.
During exercise, people with diabetes mellitus can become hypoglycemic (low blood glucose). In this correlation, you cannot start training on an empty stomach and if blood glucose level is less than 100 mg / dl. To eliminate the possibility of hypoglycemia, it is necessary to have meal containing carbohydrate (sugar, fruit juice).
Hypoglycemia can occur in people with type 1 diabetes during physical exercise. This should be taken into account when calculating the dose of insulin.
It is also very important to understand that exercise is not only a sport, but also doing things at home, work at their summer cottage, short intense jogging, sex, etc. The occurrence of hypoglycemia attack possible in these cases, it is worth remembering what each person with diabetes always carry an adequate supply of carbohydrate in one form or another.
Living with diabetes
The life of a person with diabetes full and does not imply any limitations. With the right approach to the problem of adequate and timely treatment of the disease, people with diabetes can be fully integrated into all spheres of life.

However, there are several aspects to be taken into account when choosing a profession, a job, sexual life, planning pregnancy, long tripsand drinking alcohol.


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